Best Golf Ball Markers: 5 Options To Make More Putts

When you’re golfing and you get the ball close enough to the hole, you can attempt a putt. With the ball covered in dirt and grass, the shot may be a little tricky.

So, many people like to clean their golf balls before the process. However, when they pick up the balls, players can easily forget where to place them back. That’s why it’s crucial you find the best golf ball markers.

Let’s take a look at how to use these devices and what to look for when making a purchase. We’ll also cover some of the most popular golf ball markers on the market.

Top 5 Best Golf Ball Markers

There are hundreds of golf ball markers on the market. So, to make your life a little easier, we’ve compiled a list of the best six models.

Our Top Pick

Alignment Ball Mark

The award winning Alignment Ball Mark allows you to set up your putts alignment before setting the ball down giving you a better look at the line.

  • Length: 5.04 in.
  • Width: 3.31 in.
  • Height: 0.67 in.
  • Weight: 10 g.

First up on our list is the Alignment Ball Mark. It has everything you need for a successful putt.

The main structure of the marker is circular, with a small tab poking out. This allows you to guide your putter with accuracy.

Plus, there’s an alignment line on the top of the gadget. That will help with angling your shot into the hole. You can use a golf ball line marker to add a line to your ball to help line it up as well.

To secure the marker in place, the device has three pointed feet. These dig into the grass with ease and stay there until you pick the marker up.

Best Reading Slope

GHHJX Magnetic Ball Marker

This ball marker has a build-in level which allows you to easily see which way the green is sloping. This is one you would only use during recreational rounds as it is not USGA approved.

  • Length: 4.29 in.
  • Width: 3.07 in.
  • Height: 0.39 in.
  • Weight: 20 g.

If you’re looking for a marker with a bit of heft to it, then the GHHJX Ball marker is the way to go. Even though it has smaller dimensions than the Alignment Marker, it’s heavier.

That means the device is much more stable and less likely to budge out of place.

As you can tell by the name, this marker secures to you using a magnet. You can attach it to any item of clothing for easy transport.

Aside from that, the marker has a built-in level. There’s a tiny air bubble trapped in the main component of the gadget.

This allows players to aim their putts on uneven ground.

Best For Accuracy

Trident Align Ball Marker

The Trident Align Ball Marker allows you to draw the matching alignment onto your ball, making it very easy to correctly line up your putts.

  • Length: 1.5 in.
  • Width: 1.38 in.
  • Height: 0.25 in.
  • Weight: 26 g.

This is the second model on our list with an alignment feature. Yet, unlike the Alignment Ball Mark, the Trident Align helps you tag your ball.

The gadget comes with a guide with a spherical notch. Once you secure your ball in place, you can use a sharpie to mark it.

When you remove the Trident device, the mark left behind will help you aim the ball into the hole.

This will significantly increase your putting accuracy. Plus, the gadget comes with its own mini sharpie, so you don’t have to stop by the store on your way to the golf course.

However, the Trident is one of the heaviest models on our list. For that reason, carrying around the marker all day may become quite a chore.

In addition, the device may not be compatible with all golf balls.

Best For Kids

VEASAERT Golf Ball Markers

These come in a bulk pack of 50, making them great for groups or for kids looking for a rainbow of color options.

  • Length: 0.98 in.
  • Width: 0.98 in.
  • Height: 0.2 in.
  • Weight: 10 g.

If you need help keeping track of your shots throughout the game, the VEASAERS markers may be the option for you.

These are plastic markers that come in a rainbow of colors. Each shade can help you signal a different shot.

For example, you can place one of these components every time the ball touches the ground. This will allow you to see the path you took to reach the hole.

You can buy 50 of these gadgets in bulk, which means you can use more than one marker per game.

That can be incredibly useful for beginners who need a little help with figuring out the sport.

Best For Triple Track Balls

Callaway Golf Triple Track Ball Marker

If you play Callaway golf balls with the Triple Track marking then this is the best option for you. It matches up to the ball making lining up putts easy.

  • Length: 10.5 in.
  • Width: 4.33 in.
  • Height: 0.24 in.
  • Weight: 15 g.

The Callaway Golf Triple Track is another alignment marker, but with a twist. Instead of the single black line that Alignment and Trident use, this model has three lines.

There’s a red center line and two blue ones on either side. These markers give you much more control when it comes to aiming.

You can adjust the Callaway gadget until you find the perfect angle for putting.

On top of that, the device has a large surface area compared to the other models on the list. This makes it much more suitable for players who may have eyesight issues.

What Is A Golf Ball Marker

As you can guess by the name, this device is responsible for marking the position of a golf ball. This isn’t absolutely necessary during a game, but it can come in handy.

The green is the section of the course right around the golf hole. There, you need to be able to make precise shots. To do that, you’ll need to work with a clean ball.

If you pick up the ball to give it a good scrubbing, you risk losing your position in the course. So, you’ll need to use some sort of marker to tell exactly where to place the ball when you’re done cleaning.

Some people use their golf clubs, while others may place an empty food wrapper just to hold the position. These solutions can work in a pinch, but with a small breeze, these markers can fly out of place.

That’s why you need a professional golf ball marker.

best golf ball markers

Best Golf Ball Markers Features To Look For

Before you purchase a golf ball marker, there are a few features you should consider. These include:

1.   Weight

One of the first factors you should consider before buying a golf ball marker is the weight of the device.

Since its main function is to stay in place, the overall mass of the gadget will come into play. Typically, a marker is about two inches in diameter and an eighth of an inch thick.

This makes the trinkets large enough to be noticeable on the green golf field. To make sure that the marker stays in place, it should weigh anywhere from 10 to 30 grams.

2.   Texture

As a golf player, you’re probably familiar with the shape of the standard ball. It has many dimples across the surface to help with turbulent airflow.

These make it easier for the ball to travel large distances quickly. Yet, all the grooves can collect dust, mud, and even grass blade trimmings.

Since the golf ball marker doesn’t need to fly through the air, it doesn’t need these dimples.

Instead, to keep the mess to a minimum, you want a marker with a completely smooth surface. Any bumps or crevices may make the post-game cleaning slightly more stressful.

3.   Alignment

When you look at a golf field, you’ll notice that there are very few markers on the course. The space is mostly an open green area.

Players will have to rely on the wind and other physical elements to land a good shot. This is a little difficult to do when you’re putting.

Because the ball won’t be flying in the air, you have to focus on the angle of your shot. That will allow you to control what direction the ball moves in.

This is challenging to do with the naked eye, so you can use the alignment tool on a golf ball marker. It’s a straight line that can help you navigate where to hit the ball to ensure it lands in the hole.

Wrapping Up

When looking for the best golf ball marker tool, there are a few factors to consider. First off, you have to take into account the weight of the item.

You want a marker that is easy to carry around, but one that won’t fly away with a strong breeze. Other than that, it’s a good idea to check out the texture and alignment features of the marker.

Our top pick when it comes to golf ball markers is the Alignment Ball Mark. It offers everything a beginner may need to improve their putting game.